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Oct 26, 2020

Moving office? Here’s the ultimate office moving checklist that will help everyone sail through it all!


Anybody who has partaken or been responsible for office moving knows how tedious it can be. A lot of things are on the move all at once – you need to ensure nothing is left behind, cast out things that are not going to the new place, and so on. And starting from the first day of the new office, you have to ensure everyone is nicely settled in while minimising downtime as much as possible. Overwhelming much? Don’t worry, our ultimate office moving checklist will sort you out. Besides, moving to a new office is a sign of progress, possibilities, and new beginnings! Let’s delve.

180 days before moving office

1. Go through your existing lease. Are you liable for a deposit charge if you snap your lease early? Are you on the hook for property damage like chipped walls or beaten light equipment? This also takes into account anything that crops up during the move.

2. Don’t settle for a moving company on the first click. Get more quotes. See whether the office moving company fits your budget. Do they service your area? Ask around, check genuine reviews for customer experience. And then select any three, compare, and take your pick. 

3. Have a list of current office furniture handy. Get in touch with a furniture company for new furniture. Place orders for new stationery if required. 

4. Make arrangements for external secure storage facilities if necessary.

5. Divide every department with a unique colour code. Work out a detailed floor plan. Assign coloured stickers to every department.

6. Demarcate communal spaces as a part of your newly revised floor plan. Get the official paperwork done and have the necessary permits and licenses in place.

7. Book cleaning services for your existing and new offices. 

8. Finalise codes for security and access to the new workplace.

9. Send out your exhaustive floor plan to your office moving company. You can even invite your movers over at the new office if required.

The big day

On a moving day, you will be relaxed and well-prepared. Let’s look into more ways to make sure everything turns out to be peachy.

1. Keep your emergency contact number handy

2. Allow your budget to fit in the cost of refreshments for your movers and employees involved.

3. Arrange for air conditioning during office moving if needed

4. Are all tech fixtures and equipment from computers to phones moved and fixed? If not then get to it right away!

5. Make sure your company representatives are present to oversee all the colour coded things land in their correct locations.

Make your new office welcoming!

Test your software and hardware to make sure the business gets back up and running in no time. Confirm (and reconfirm) termination of your previous lease. Notify your stakeholders of your move and update the address across all mediums, online, and offline.

Last but not least, make the arrival special by doing something welcoming like placing surprise treats on the desks of employees to get them to sail through a busy day!

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