So you’re the sporty kind of person who loves adventure sports and loves going to the beach on the weekends. You love going on adventure holidays exploring the different parts of the UAE. But at the end of all that fun you end up with huge collection of sporting gear or outdoor gear. Some people even end up parking their jet ski’s in their parking lots. Some of the equipment one must agree is not used on a daily basis. Sporting gear is not something one should be storing in their apartments. The lack of space along with all your extra equipment in there will affect your ego along with your lifestyle.
The best way to take care of this problem is by keeping such equipment safe and secure in one of our storage facilities in Abu Dhabi which is available in variety of sizes. Equipped with climate controlled systems and 24 hour CCTV security along with a round-the-clock access control log, we can assure you that your equipment will be safe and ready and in perfect condition the next time you return. We even offer additional hotel concierge services that allow you to keep your bags or suitcases incase your leaving the country. Along with that in the case of ATV’s or other vehicles we even offer vehicle storage services in Abu Dhabi and towing services along with frequent start ups to keep your vehicle running in good condition.
We at The Box always strive to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations. With our skilled management and wide variety of value added services, we ensure that you will have the best experience one can get in Abu Dhabi. To know more about us visit us at www.storageinabudhabi.com
Image Credit: thestoragelift.com
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