A living room is a place to meet and greet people when they enter our homes. Apart from being an entertaining room, it also serves as a reading room and a room where the family can sit and talk. Almost every one of us living in an apartment or a house has one designed right in. Initially after moving house we keep it neat and tidy but then soon enough, as the work cycle begins and everyone is busy with their daily lives, convenience kicks in. ‘Convenience’ in the form of laziness which forces us to keep things that we normally store elsewhere, closer to us for easier access.
Slowly and steadily you will find everything piling up around the couch and the armchairs. Books, magazines, photo albums, and a whole lot of other items some of which we do not even need. And the result is horrid. In such a situation the best thing to do is get up and start piling up the things you really would need (which is none) from the ones that you do. If you really need that old lamp around but don’t use it everyday, get a storage unit and keep it over there so you can pick it up when you change the décor of your home or if your house gets renovated. That tiny old antique drawer that made its way next to the couch can also be put in storage. Keeping things at a distance keeps us active, while having everything at hand makes us lazy and lethargic.
The Box, a storage facility in Abu Dhabi is a perfect place to store unused items, be it furniture to sporting equipment, to piles of old magazines, our climate controlled units are equipped to handle all your storage needs. To get more details log on to www.storageinabudhabi.com
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