When you plan to store your valuables at a storage company or when you think about relocating there are many storage companies who facilitate you. Storage in Abu Dhabi is one such company known for providing best storage facility in Abu Dhabi also they provide the best Abu Dhabi moving services. Storage in Abu Dhabi provides their customer with the best storage solutions.
At Box Shop of Storage in Abu Dhabi you are provided with:
1. Storage units of different sizes depending upon your need. The storage units size from 25sqft. to more than 155sqft.
2. Storage in Abu Dhabi has customized solution that suits your requirements.
3. At Box Shop you are also assisted with selling your furniture and also with buying.
4. It also serves with packaging material like boxes of small and medium size, bubble wrap, tape guns, stretched films etc.
5. There is a standard home shift pack available for your comfort.
Storage in Abu Dhabi also provides with Abu Dhabi moving services for your office or house removal. It provides you with different packages like:
1. The gold package provides you a full team with tools and packaging material. They help you in dismantling, packaging, moving and then also in assembling of your belongings.
2. The silver package provides you with truck transportation along with man power
3. In bronze package it’s just like a pick and drop service.
The facilities at Abu Dhabi Storage Company are designed keeping in mind the requirements of the customers.
For more details visit at http://www.storageinabudhabi.com
image credit: todaysofficefurniture.co.uk